Custom instructions

Today I discovered due to a post on Linkedin that ChatGTP has ‘custom instructions’.

When you click on your profile in the bottom left corner you will see the option. When clicking on it you get two fields:

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

So I decided to have a go (max 1500 characters per field)

After adding my information, I put it to the test:

hi, I just filled in my custom instructions. Do you now know what my startup BWC is?

ChatGPT: Yes, Floris, I’m aware of your startup Better World Casinos (BWC). Your vision is to make the (online) gambling industry a force for good by reviewing iGaming companies based on their ESG performance. The aim is to make the industry more transparent and to raise awareness about global environmental and social issues. Would you like to discuss anything specific about it?

haha, that’s amazing. So from now on I only need to mention that something is related to BWC and you know what I mean?

ChatGPT: Exactly, Floris. Mentioning that something is related to BWC will cue me into the specific context you’re referring to. What would you like to discuss next?

and another test. What about my blog?

ChatGPT: I’m aware of your blog,, where you write about your thoughts on philosophy, religion, spirituality, and the nature of reality. You have eclectic views and identify most with Buddhism and Panpsychism. Is there something specific you’d like to discuss about your blog?

tell my what you think about the name of my blog

ChatGPT: The name “Philosoflourish” is quite clever. It combines “philosophy” with “flourish,” suggesting a focus not just on intellectual exploration but also on growth and well-being. It encapsulates a broader view of what philosophy can mean in one’s life. Would you like to dive deeper into this?

yes, please elaborate

ChatGPT: Certainly. The name “Philosoflourish” effectively communicates two interconnected ideas. First, the “philoso-” part roots the blog in philosophical inquiry, indicating a focus on critical thinking and the exploration of fundamental questions about existence, reality, and morality.

Second, the “-flourish” portion implies that the goal isn’t just to ponder these questions in the abstract, but also to apply insights in a way that promotes personal growth, well-being, or flourishing. In ethical philosophy, the concept of “flourishing” often correlates with eudaimonia, a term in ancient Greek philosophy referring to a life well-lived.

Together, the name suggests a balanced approach that doesn’t see philosophy as an isolated, purely intellectual exercise, but as deeply connected to real-world outcomes and individual well-being. It aligns well with your interest in not just understanding the world, but actively improving it.

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